• Food,  Me

    What is healthy?

    Excuse me while I step onto my soap box. Okay, thanks. [Audibly clearing throat] I would consider myself a pretty moderate person – I don’t spout off my political or religious beliefs, I’m often able to see and appreciate both sides of an argument and I am not typically driven by my emotions. But, where food is concerned I am a little nutty.  Well probably a lot nutty.  Not only do I feel the need to constantly feed people (the thought of hunger hurts my soul), I also have a very clear personal definition of what is “healthy”. And while I understand it is not shared by all, I find it nearly impossible…

  • Food

    My Philosophy on Food

    Over the past five years, I have turned into what some may call a food snob – I call it food enlightened. I’ve become hyper-aware of those dirty little secrets in our food supply: MSG, trans fat and hydrogenated oils, food coloring, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, BHT and other preservatives. With each discovery of something else that is chemically derived and hiding in my favorite foods, I purge my pantry. Is it too much to ask that my food not be laced with chemicals?? Making this change is hard. Some of the most common offenders are things I grew up enjoying – condensed soups, ranch mix, onion soup…